Cornucopia Radio Podcast 68: The Exhibit

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  • Song Name: Cornucopia Radio Podcast 68: The Exhibit
  • Artist: Andrew Shaktah
  • Album: Cornucopia Radio Podcast
  • Year: 2018

The gavel slams onto its pedestal and the audience burst into applause. All around them, the gallery is buzzing with conversations from its many occupants, who mingle amongst the different paintings, photographs and sculptures that reside in this beautiful and luxurious endless white room. At the back, beaming with pride; stands Oscar Johansson. He is the artist behind all of this work... even though most of it was created by ‘something’ else.

‘The Exhibit’ is our new Scripted-Podcast written by Andrew Shaktah, which investigates how Artificial Intelligence is increasingly being used to create new artistic works in a variety of fields. But at what point do the people behind the AI start to deserve as much credit as the artists themselves?